Eugene Street Addition


-Hood River, Oregon: Sorensen Construction Inc. – Design/Build
-Kitchen/Utility Room Expansion, Decking, Window Replacement

This project came as a result of some dear friends deciding that it was time to commit to the idea of not moving and raising their family in the house which they genuinely loved and currently owned. For a family that likes to cook and entertain, the kitchen and exterior area off of the kitchen were quite inadequate. For an active Northwest family, the lack of a utility can be a real problem. These were the major issues which led to the need for an expansion/remodel. We also reinsulated sheetrocked the basement which helped create a warm, dry and stable foundation under the main living area. The project was full of unknowns and issues that come with unveiling the bones of a house 100 years old. The project was a great success and accomplished the original goals that were established.